11:59 ZINE, Volume 1

11:59 ZINE is a seasonal publication started winter 2021.
We will curate each issue with art, stories and information across all categories
that coalesce into quarterly offerings.

Inspiration behind this volume and the start of this publication:

11:59 ZINE, Volume 1

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Winter season brings a certain chill..

Most organisms go into some type of hibernation. This symbolic act of withdrawing into the darkness is also reflected in the movements of the Sun as we experience more night than daylight during this time. 

The metaphysical practice of shadow work is something we might be familiar with as an internal and personal act. Going into the darkness or inspecting your shadows relates to questioning oneself, one’s ideas.. Looking at, observing and discerning one’s patterns. Seeing faults, mishaps, confusions. And clearing up false ideas, lies, delusions.

 As above, so below. As within, so without. 

During the season we should also be aware of this shadow work on a wider, more communal scale.

As good as our lives may be, I think most of us can agree that in the lens of the shadow, there are a lot of dark spots that need clearing up. Stevie Wonder said “Our time here will be measured by how carefully we consider or deliberate our reality. […] I know you understand. You can feel there’s a beat, that there’s drumming, and it’s off. Even if you’re not a musician, you can hear when the music is not right. Can you tell that life is out of tune? Do you feel our reality is off beat? We’re out of sync. Listening to spirits that conflict against the the truth we know to be true.”

As we’re in a time of self-reflection, hibernation and introspection, let’s also consider the macro scale of things.

Here is a selection of ideas, images and information that seems fitting to share around this time. These offerings come from insights gathered along the way and put together with an effort to start piecing things together, or to start making fuller sense of the way things are.

As life heats up beneath the surface I siphon off the bubbles that rise to the top and collect them as notes of inspiration and memory. Some sort of map or puzzle to help guide and make sense along the way. As well as something engaging to look over, or at least something hopeful to look back on.


